Thursday, February 21, 2008


No more. I'm not doing my dinner diary anymore. I don't want to reflect on how we eat all in a pot things and leftovers all the time anymore. I'm pleased with my success at not having bought fish and chips at all. I can't summon the will to wonder whether we could be eating more silicone and less acid foods and upping our photo-bio-unmodified-nonsense intake either. I'm just pleased no one is starving at my house and when I'm thinking about food, then there are some awesome blogs out there for me to read instead. If I was feeling diligent and thorough, I would link to Rachael's latest blog (hopefully it will show up in links if you click on her profile - Rach in recent comments on this blog. But I'm not. at all.

1 comment:

Rach said...

oh sandra you sound thoroughly fed up (sorry I can't resist a dreadful pun once every 17 years)