Thursday, February 28, 2008

The bread challenge

Here are Rachael's bread making instructions. She has made the title redolent (I just really wanted to use that word actually) of God, but even if you are an atheist, I think the bread instructions look very accesible.

The first bit just involves mixing some flour and water together and leaving it for a while. Like quite a while. Well surely I can do that. If I can find a clean cup, a clean bowl, a clean tea towel and some clean bench space, I'll even start it tonight. The bench space might actually be the dining room table but never mind. No one has died in my house yet as a result of the fact that I don't do jobs after the children are in bed on Thursday night.


Sandra said...

I've now started the starter. Just for the record.

Rach said...

I'll post my cheese recipe from Mongolia!