Monday, June 30, 2008


This winter was my first attempt at growing kale. It has been a mostly successful experiment. Kale has enlivened many soups and casseroles in recent months.

I am going to change varieties though. This year I grew Kale Squire (above - both pics come from the Kings Seeds catalogue). This year the aphids took a distinct shine to my kale. They are grey aphids (as if aphids of any colour are welcome!) and they particularly like to hang out and cause destruction in the tightest curled parts of the leaf. Getting rid of them takes ages of rinsing in the kitchen sink and some is unusable. So I'm thinking that next Autumn I'll be planting Red Russian Kale (below) as it looks much easier to wash and I'm hoping it will be less attractive to aphids.

1 comment:

Nik said...

I also have the same variety of kale growing (no where near as bushy and only just ready to start picking - haven't noticed any creepy crawlies yet though). Have you looked at Nero Kale (I think that's what it's called)? That was one I got in my vege box quite a bit and wasn't as tough/rough.