Fabulous weather today, if a little cold. Major breakthrough on the gardening front: Brighid (18 months) stepped out of the garden when I told her to without me having to go over and haul her out. She and her brother filled the child-sized wheelbarrow we gave her for her first birthday with peastraw several times and helped me mulch two garden beds. When Fionn was two, he was very helpful in the garden, so odds are on that Brighid will understand how it all works (the where to stand and to only pull plants with permission aspects) in another six months. I'm sure we'll get on splendidly in the garden every day then.
As well as mulching, I also started to extend the bed which runs along the back wall of the house. It is only 30cm deep at it's narrowest point and I am extending out to double that. So I weeded and then mulched one log's worth today. The bed is bordered by about five beach logs which is partly why it is wider at some points than others.
Favourite Handyman continued work on the poultry palace. More recycled chicken wire went on today - this lot was gifted by one of our neighbours last summer when FH and his visiting father cleaned, repaired and painted the shed which borders with aforementioned neighbours.
Only 3-4 days ago, our place was pooling with water and the rain had been relentless for days. Yet today (and the previous two days) the soil has been damp but nevertheless neither soggy nor difficult to work with. Every article on weeds as indicators of soil type which I read suggests poor drainage. We have creeping buttercup, docks, plantain and daisies. I don't think we do have poor drainage, or at least not on the entire section. We just have phenomenal rainfall which means the soil is very wet for extended periods of the day/week/month/year.
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
4 days ago
Great work! WE have the same range of weeds and also not poor drainage. There are lower lying areas where they are more heavily clustered, but I get them up on the slopes too which are definitely dryer.
hmmm. What is your rainfall level annually Nikki?
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