which is a day where I don't do any paid work and I got no gardening done.
Not a good feeling. I gave two parcels of children's clothes to friends and sent two bags of things to the Sallies and hosted two old school friends one of which I hadn't seen for ten years which was fabulous and them both being blokes and me having been to their scungy scungy student flats in years gone by, they weren't a problem re: the dirty-messy-house, for lunch. It's a feminist statement, don't you know. Then I took two cousins to the cemetery and listened to more old stories from the long ago past and vowed again that I really want to write them all down and discussed how to renovate a tombstone so we can see the writing again. Then I did administration and spent a looooooooooooooong time at Inland Revenue and then we had icecreams as treats for managing to do so much administration. And I made refried beans from scratch for dinner.
But I miss the garden. What hope on a Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday if I can't manage to garden on Friday?
Simple life workshops on Zoom UPDATED
4 days ago
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