Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Some photos of the garden. I don't think I'm going to be a professional photographer somehow. These were the best of the garden ones... The beetroot is chioggia and I love cutting it up for the pleasure of seeing the red and white concentric rings. I made small sticks of it in a salad the other day and they looked like candy. The garden photo is the new raised bed I made earlier this month. Today we had the loan of a shredder and Favourite Handyman worked all day shredding branches and thus this new bed now has an added layer of chip mulch on it. The front garden (will have more herbs which tolerate the shade soon) is now mulched up, as is the garlic bed.
The sunflower pic is because sunflowers are too gorgeous to ever get sick of looking at. Only four plants out of my sowing of 20 survived, but they have rewarded us greatly for our perseverance. These ones are dwarf and the packet of skyscrapers never went in this summer. Always next time. I'll be starting next year's batch inside this time - it was just too cold I think. Plus the blackbirds.

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