Saturday, March 8, 2008

goodbye Pak choi

Linda Woodrow, in her superb Permaculture Home Garden book, observes that slugs absolutely adore pak choi. The evidence of this is getting just silly in my garden. Given the wet climate here on the West Coast, we get a lot of slugs but my beer traps have reduced the damage to more or less acceptable levels with the lettuces. But the pak choi I transplanted into the punga garden yesterday is nearly all gone!! And I found three baby slugs on them when doing an inspection in the rain today. Woodrow suggests that an excellent way to catch slugs is to leave a couple of pak choi leaves by the garden overnight and then pick it up (it will have slugs underneath) and feed the lot to the chooks. Which I would happily do if we had chooks.

1 comment:

Rach said...

same fact I might even post a piccie - lots of stems!