The photo with the blue pot and the seedling punnets in it is about a fortnight old and the one where you can see the driftwood on the left was taken last week. I'm still weeding this area - it was lawn (weedy lawn) until a few months ago. The barest patch is where I broadcast carrot and onion seed. Not successful. The blackbirds got in under the wire netting I had put on top (should have held it down with rocks) but the biggest problem, nearly all weeded out in these photos, is the recurrent weeds, especially grass. I can see now that doing a false seed bed (weeding and area and digging to a fine tilth and then leaving for the first flush of weeds to germinate and only sowing seeds after that round has also been killed) would have helped. I'm also thinking that raising seedlings separately and then planting them out in new garden is probably the best plan. I'll try carrots in established garden next year.
The driftwood in the left of the lefthand picture has a hole in it with a small rosemary plant in it. Hoepfully that gives it the amount of drainage it is supposed to need. Though I've got another one doing fine at the back door near the kitchen and it gets pretty wet there.
The garden lacks the lush, no room for weeds look and action I really want but I guess it is still only early Summer. The survivors so far in this patch are purple sprouting brocolli, dwarf sunflowers, lettuces, beetroot, orach or mountain/tree spinach, celery, argentata beet, a very small number of carrots, leeks and red onions and some alyssum.
1 comment:
It's been a time of reflection for me too on what's worked and what can be improved on next year - that's going to be a blogging post in the near future I think. All learning though. I have had trouble getting my carrot and onion seeds to consistently successfully germinate as well, I'm currently onto my 3rd attempt, so will see how they go. The ones that are growing are in such small numbers.
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