Friday, August 31, 2007
A week or so Fire commented on my blog that I should read the New Scientist. So I bought one, because I hold Fire's opinion in high regard and thought she could be on to something. Favourite Handyman (also with health deficits but thankfully not vomiting) and I had a look and talked a bit about why we're not so excited by it. It doesn't seem to drag me into multiple aspects of a topic. I like the way some articles in the New Zealand Geographic do just that. I also like that our local library has the NZ Geographic because stunning gorgeous photography doesn't reproduce cheaply.
A magazine I often ponder subscribing to is The Ecologist. You might notice that I've had a learning curve on the creating links front. I've quite deliberately made the link to the current issue page because of an article which has this lead in:
Life, religion and everything: Scientist Rupert Sheldrake tells Laura Sevier it's time for religion and science to kiss and make up
Actually I'm tempted to subscribe just so I can get hold of that article and distribute it to my blog reading friends Fire and Rachael and see what they do with it.
Which brings me to an excellent development in international magazines: digital subscriptions. Much as I prefer to read magazines in bed, in the lounge, outside etc., digital subs are seriously much cheaper than paying for English and US magazines to be freighted over to NZ. Not to mention the carbon badness of all that printing and freighting.
Other magazines I like are NZ Gardener and NZ Organics (which doesn't have a website but is my favourite of the two). I could say quite a bit about Mothering magazine but I won't because much as I adore my children, they are finally in bed right now and I just don't want to talk parenting on my work break.
If you've made it this far, please comment and tell me your favourite magazines. Cos I learnt how to put sitemeter and clustrmap on my blog today while not cleaning up vomit and am consequently pathetically keen to see some signs that someone is out there, visiting me here!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
What do you know about your home?
So I got thinking about the history of our home. I've always lived in rented accommodation from when I was 18 until last year but those flast and houses fascinated me too. I loved to collect stories about previous inhabitants and activities. A fragment of each of those homes have come with me as I've moved on in the form of memories and photographs, my own and those of others who shared the journey.
I hear often from local people about the house we live in now. It has hosted many good parties over the years - we've heard that from a large number of people so we definitely believe it. Hopefully we'll have a few big ones and lots of smaller special gatherings ourselves. I met a man who lived at our place in the 1970s recently. When he arrived to move in, he discovered that the previous tenant had recently skinned an animal in the lounge. His wife cried when she saw the state of the place. I told him about the reports of great parties. "Not in my time" he commented dourly. Thankfully there'd been a good clean up before we moved in.
We are going to see if we can find the original plans for the house. The actual house is largely unchanged apart from the fire, but there have been changes to the outbuildings and we want to restore or add a couple of lean-tos for wood and for hothousing tomatoes.
Maybe I'll create a blog just about our house. I'm finding blogging in some undefineable way more interesting than keeping a private journal and have had several ideas of other blogs I might create, like one telling the stories of my elderly local relatives. Blogs must be the coolest things for family historians. Maybe my brother and sister and I should do one - all be writers and create together a cache of family stories and then send an invitation to our parents to view it at Christmas? hmmmm. Bloody housework, gets in the way of dreams.
Recently I've upped my dock knowledge game. It is called a tap root, not just an ordinary undifferentiated root. And apparently docks can be good things in the garden. Because their roots go so deep, they bring minerals from deep in the soil to the surface and make them available to other plants. I haven't worked out exactly how this happens but I believe it to be perfectly possible.
Somewhere in my dock reading I got advised that dock leaves make good garden mulch. Maybe the minerals are in the leaves then? Anyway, when the children and I were having an edifying walk round the block yesterday, we wandered through what was once a community reserve project by the sand dunes and is now somewhat neglected. Amongst the native plants were lots of healthy big docks, not in seed so safe on the spread front. I gathered a few bunches and found a use for those nasty nappy bags you can buy at the supermarket for disposable nappy using holidays. Good size for bunches of dock leaves. So we'll be back down there sometime soon I hope.
The desk
It wasn't until I got home that I realised a crucial error on my part. The depth of the desk is indeed sufficient to fit pricked out seedling pots, but there is no room for the actual plants to grown upwards. I could use it for raising seedlings from the seed stage, but I already have three plastic propagators for that. The other alternative is to find a way of rais
It became obvious why I'd tucked coins in my pocket when on the way home I saw several supermarket bags of horse poo for sale on the side of the road. Fifty cents per bag and as it happened I had $4 and could stash the whole lot in the boot of the car (which now has two functioning rear lights again at a cost I won't go into).
I got home at six, deposited the baby with Favourite Handyman, noticed that the washing was still out, the seedlings were still outside and there were no signs of dinner preparation whatsoever. Still, horse poo projects were more interesting. I decided we didn't need a rubbish bin any more and emptied two bulging bags of horse poo into the rubbish bin and filled it three quarters full with water. Lid on and I think it is two weeks I wait until I can decant the liquid off the top to use as liquid garden fertiliser and top up with water to repeat the process.
Still leaves six bags of horse poo to deal with. I'll report back on that when I have an answer.
Horse poo doesn't go straight on the compost pile like chicken manure because horses have quite fast digestive systems and weed seeds come through them whole and sprout in the garden.
Got an opportunity to talk garden and poo with a couple of other women. I may have a source for getting some of the scrapings from the calf pens of a local farmer - hay and cow poo mixed together. Woohoo. I am really making progress on my poo projects. Also looking out for the opportunity to sweep out underneath the shearing shed on a sheep farm at some point.
Saw my chicken raising friend. She is about to raise about two dozen chicks from eggs and wanted to know if I wanted some more roosters to kill and eat. Yes please!! She declined my offer to pay her but was keen when I suggested that we kill, pluck and gut two at a time and give one back to her for eating.
Friday, August 24, 2007
someone else's junk
We have an Iris out now. It looks perfect. My photos are hidden away on the camera as usual because I didn't get a tutorial last weekend after all.
You know I am exactly like this in real life. Well this is the positive version anyway, we'll leave out the people who never take a shine to me. You meet me and I seem interesting. You arrange to see me again and I bring something really yummy and it's all looking good. We each have a new friend. Then over time I ramble incessantly at ever more frequent intervals and there is no more cake for the next 15 months and although I talk about cleaning the house all the time, you find yourself looking gingerly for somewhere safe to sit in my lounge again and again and again. The best visits are on sunny days when we sit out in the garden and you take a tour and I bring drink out to you and thus you only notice anything terrible about the house when your children, who you didn't think had standards at all, complain about the state of the toilet. Maybe that isn't the best visit, but it's as good as it gets during gardening weather and indeed during non-gardening weather. Online is good. It's so clean.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
So what is a blog for then?
'Course I gardened today. It's how I keep from melting into certifiable insanity. Made a miniature raised bed above the drainpipe. I do hope I remember not to plant root veges in there for ever.
Talked about breastfeeding and formula feeding as well. A wonderfully civilised discussion, which is how you'd know it wasn't on some open parenting board. Apart from being of vital and very personal importance to all parents, it is also in many ways a very yawny subject because we've heard the same things repeated so many times before. But my English nappy friends are much above that and I treasure knowing them. Does it depress anyone else to think that when our daughters are having babies, in a million years obviously and only with truly perfect partners, the same trampled to death topics will swill around them like so much baby sick? Bottle or breast, work or staying at home, early or late toilet training. I'm giving Brighid earmuffs when/if she has children - they'll be useful in so many ways.
Monday, August 20, 2007
I also gardened today but that wasn't as exciting as finding wine which doesn't have to be paid for out of this week's budget (which is the kind of small budget which comes from having a too regular relationship with ones car mechanic).
I did kill lots of snails and some slugs today. A virtuous day then.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
spring: the evidence
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
The red tulip under discussion is from my mother in law, who bought them for me when she and fil visited earlier this year. I need to have a read up on how long I can keep the bulbs going - perhaps Brighid will have the same blood red flowers in her own garden one day.
Now shrubs are another matter. Shrubs do not make my heart sing. Even the word 'shrub' is ugly. Who remembers the low maintenance shrub and bark garden, still found around municipal buildings? I'd rather have a section full of weeds. I've seen shrubs look pretty on occasion but never have I wanted to take one home with me.
I know anyone who is still around only really wants to look at pictures, but pictures really aren't my forte. Specifically, I'm still short of some key knowledge on getting them from the camera onto the computer. I'll try for a tutorial this weekend.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Will I be a herbalist?
So today I did some more seed sowing in propogator number three, including some echinacea, also known as purple coneflower and good for strengthening the immune system. I also sowed some elecampane. Elecampane is new to me but this is the blurb that got me interested:
Highly regarded medicinal herb found in Chinese, Indian Ayurvedic and traditional European cultures. While the yellow spider daisy-like flowers can reach up to 2.5m tall in late spring, it is the root that has all the goodies in it. After the second season the dried root is used as a lung decongestant, a chi tonic, diuretic, to stimulate the appetite, candied confectionary and as an external treatment for viral skin lesions.
Given the height, I might put it in amongst my young punga trees to give them some shade. It can hang out with the giant sunflowers which are going there for the same reason.
Had fabulous weather here today which meant I got be outside gardening for the afternoon. The nanny student is long gone though, so I had to multi-task like proper mothers. That meant that Fionn fell out of trees (sometimes on purpose but not always) and Brighid, the gorgeous compliant lass that she is, slept or watched one of us from the pushchair.
Monday, August 13, 2007
going organic
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Anyway I can't play the game properly because I don't know eight bloggers to tag. Actually I don't know any apart from the ones Sharon has already tagged. But here is part of the game, because I'm quite fond of Sharon (who is a closet leftie which is a thing about her that I like as well as the other things). Politics, not hands!
Eight random garden facts:
1. Let's go historical. My first garden was when I was about seven years old. A raised bed on one side of the gate to the back garden (my brother's was on the other side). It had tulips and marigolds and I can't remember what else.
2. One of my earliest foraging memories is on my grandparents' farm where my Grandma, one of my aunts and I went down the river collecting plants. Ferns.
3. I don't know if I'll ever grow gooseberries that tasted like the ones behind Grandma's kitchen. I do know that the ones my Dad grew tasted good enough that we never ever told each other if they were ripe. Just snuck down to eat them from the bush and often found the other person there already.
4. Things that look beautiful but you aren't supposed to let them flower: thistles. The purple headed variety.
5. Why I'll never grow carpet roses: cos when I went home one summer of my endless studentness, my job each day (like each and every day) was to deadhead the carpet roses. I understand that Dad gave up the effort once I left in favour of some machine. Cos of the effort and time involved. Oh really?
6. A plant I covet: when I was eight years old, my parents moved to a property with boysenberries. One of my aunts took some cuttings and later my parents pulled the berries out (and even later they moved to carpet rose-ville). Last year at my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party, my aunt brought some boysenberries from those cuttings. I definitely covet some cuttings from her garden.
7. In London, we had wild blackberries in our garden and they tasted great. Fabulous in fact. I couldn't work out why blackberries were left uneaten on the roadside. Then one day I took a closer look. Ermm roadside pollution Sandra. It was an A - something road for goodness sake. (Arterial route I presume - I love it how a city map really has veins.)
8. Ants are supposed to be bad in your compost. They signifiy something bad which I forget. But an actual ants' nest makes a very efficient job of converting food waste into soil. I don't know how you get that to happen on purpose. Ours was random.
It's raining, it's pouring
If you want to grow something which tastes special on a plate but only have a window sill, then rocket and coriander are excellent choices. I think it is impossible not to succeed with rocket, which does otherwise cost a fortune in the shops. Grows through winter inside and is better grown outside of really hot weather periods. I'm having great success with coriander grown on the windowsill this year. I've moved some outside into pots and another straight into the soil plus kept one inside to see whether there are any differences in how they fare.
NZ Cuisine magazine arrived in the post on Friday and quite a few of the recipes have veges which I have seeds for for winter 2008 (kale, bok choy, nero cabbage). For a moment I thought with great surprise and a little excitement that I was fashionable. Then I realised that I'd actually be a year out of date.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
On housework
I believe there are websites about cleaning super smartly so it doesn't take long. I can't possibly bring myself to recommend any of them. Not one single one. I had a look once at the Flylady and practically needed therapy afterwards. Something about beginning with a shiny sink because that would give you self worth. You were supposed to do that before you went to bed. Our home in London at the time had a plastic (I kid you not) sink which was coloured beige with stains that were resistant to strong cleaners (of course I don't know whether it was resistant to EVERY cleaner known to man - I spent the money otherwise possibly used on 82 types of cleaner on wine.)
What I recommend is simply not doing housework. I can tell you from much experience that if you cook food and clean clothes, all other housework activity can be done away with for quite long periods of time. I won't tell you how long in case you were planning to visit me and then change your mind.
Here are some tips in case anyone wants to know:
1. If you have a male partner, then observe what mess/dirt prompts him to action. From then on, don't bother to clean or tidy those things as obviously you have someone else to do them.
2. Dishwashing machines are the best invention in the whole wide world. I am grateful every single day to my UK nappy friends who convinced me that I didn't just want one, I needed one. I did, as it turned out.
3. I won't bore you about slow cookers, but they are part of my strategy.
4. I understand that some mothers successfully train their children to do a lot of chores. I am not in the league of good mothers. I am not even trying.
5. In case you were in any doubt about how bad a mother I am, and how unrepentant, I am thinking of going back to paid work next year and one reason is because then I can have a cleaner.
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Pumpkin plans

Tuesday, August 7, 2007
crop rotation 3

How to kill a slug
My favourite English gardening friend Jemma, who really should blog but if she does then she hasn't told me, cuts them in half with scissors. I am in awe of this as English slugs are very large, much bigger than NZ slugs. Once I found a slug in my London garden so large I could neither let it remain at large in my garden nor could I bring myself to squash it. I trapped it in a jar and to the best of my knowledge it is still at the back of the coal shed now.
Until very recently, I dealt with slugs by squashing them with a heavy stone. Fionn loves this job and is an excellent helper at it. I have changed my tactic though since Friday when I got too enthusiastic and the slug remains splattered - in my face. I don't recommend the experience.
Now I squash them firmly but a little slower than before with the back of the trowel.
Monday, August 6, 2007
Crop rotation 2
1. a toy library road cone
2. a plastic recorder
3. a piece of pipe
4. The grate which should go on top of the nearby drain
If you are not very very obsessed with gardening, then you might like to pass on my blog for the night and pour yoursefl a gin instead. Because I am about to ponder and record the fate of this ordinary patch of wet, worm infested lawn at length.

To my left is my attempt at a computer generated map of our section. The red bits are the house and two sheds. I forgot about the garage but never mind. The green bits are existing garden. Only the two bits in the front (where there is a space for the front door showing) were existing when we moved in ten months ago, but I have been expanding like the Warehouse (or Tescos, depending where you live). The green strip on the side of the house is full of garlic, rosemary and parsley. The green strip at the back of the house currently has broad beans and spring bulbs. Later it will have tomatoes and celery and basil. I'm hoping the heat of the red brick house will aid the tomatoes. The separate green box is the raised bed. It was going to have carrots, onions and leeks and I had the Autumn planting (brassicas: bok choy, kale, purple sprouting broccolli) planned for it as well.
But today I had a rethink and then another look at the last book I found on crop rotation. Planting root crops the first year of a raised bed that deliberately doesn't have access to soil below the lawn line isn't the wisest move. And the book says that for new garden, starting with potatoes is the best option. So whereas I was going to plant potatoes in old tyres in the area above the yellow triangle, now I'm planting peas and potatoes, together with some marigolds for good something or other, in the raised bed.
The yellow triangle is the area of lawn shown in the photo. Now it is going to host the carrots, onions and leeks. I have a lot of work to do. The dug up bits have bokashi underneath them. I'm doing a triangle instead of a square for a very good reason which I read in a very good book, but I've forgotten the reason right now. Favourite Handyperson has had his first warning of the job. I *idly* mentioned in the weekend that the unhealthy looking punga tree beside the raised bed is just the right size for edging my triangle garden. It was no idle mention and we both know it. Better not rain this weekend.
So, where to put the beetroot, lettuces and beans? I forgot about the tobacco in my more recent garden plans until FH mentioned it in the weekend so it is the rectangle in the left of my map. Bloody equitable marriages. I won't be digging that one though.
I have some plans around tyres in beans along the back fence. I'll have some more old tyres later this week, just a lot less money. I do love my mechanic though. He sourced a second hand part to replace the broken bits from the wheelbarrow incident for one third of the new price.
Tonight I'll be dreaming of lettuces and beetroot. Just as well I love my son so much, or else he'd be losing his sandpit.
crop rotation 1
The way I've pored over my little maps of the section (house inconsequential box in the middle), you could be forgiven for thinking I was reenacting Treasure Island.
Our raised bed, built for me by my favourite handyman, has been our biggest garden project to date. Previously the area was covered in horrible overgrown shrubs that probably suited the space in 1968, but by last year were overbearing trees that proved easy enough to chop down but impossible to dig out without the help of a digger. Diggers cost money so digger jobs (I have them) are on hold for the moment. So we got it level (well I supervised and at the time was still banned from gardening after my post baby lopping injuries) and then covered the area in cardboard, built the walls and then added lots of compost from our compost heap. Bought compost was too expensive so we went the slow way, adding our own compost several times this winter and also growing blue lupins and mustard which I slashed and covered in more compost about a month ago.
Anyway the raised bed was going to be for carrots and onions and leeks but now I've scuppered that plan. More on that in the next post, where I will attempt to draw a map on my computer and witter on some more about veges.
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Saturday, August 4, 2007
A Room of Ones Own
And then I remembered that I used to write really often, just for myself and just for wanting to write and having some idea that writing lots would help me get better at it. Last time I did this was in Spain in 2001. We were staying at a campsite in the Picos de Europa and while the handyman went tramping into the hills (finding cattle - reminded me of Heidi), I sat at the restaurant drinking red wine and writing. You think I'm a lush? I did not even start until 10am, sometimes 11.
So I am blogging and gardening for my pleasure. I make no promises about the final results/quality of either endeavour, but I'm enjoying the journey so far. What it's all about, I think, is that my identity will not be entirely subsumed by motherhood.
Waving to London
Friday, August 3, 2007
The school gala
So today I was thinking about the fact that out of those people who have let me know they are interested in my blog, nearly everyone is home educating. Do you people not like fundraising committees?
Hunter gatherer performance today:
gathering: good. 29 pieces of wood chopped and stacked.
hunting: mediocre. killed lots of slugs. Found a colony of large snails which I was wussy about - they will die trappec in the bread bag though.
Cleared pieces of roofing iron from the felled forest floor and found two lily plants just like the ones I wanted to buy and put there. Transplanted mints from pots to hang out with the lillies.
The post with the photos still isn't showing. This blogspot thing is a lot like yahoo groups. I don't mean that as a compliment. About as consistently reliable as tradesmen.
The other thing garden like I've been thinking about today is Monty Don. We have a lot in common you know - gardening without machines, um liking gardens. I fancy spending an afternoon with Monty - it wouldn't have to be all about digging.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
third time lucky
I fancy myself as a hunter gatherer after today. Not that I hunted anything apart from slugs, but I did gather and just being a gatherer sounds much too girly.
Despite the late hour, the dark and the rain, I took my favourite handyman outside to view my forest felling last night. He made appropriate noises and Fionn tried to swing on the jutting remains of the trees in the dark. I made tutting fussing mummy noises.
But amongst the appropriate noises was a comment on wood cutting easily while wet and becoming progressively harder to cut as it dries. So today I decided to ready ourselves for next winter by cutting wood to dry over summer. Usually how I do this is I ring one of the local wood merchants and arrange for them to deliver wood on a truck, pay them handsomely and then rather late in the piece I inform Mr Handyman. He needs to know because he is the chief wood stacker. But now I am looking at our section with entirely new eyes and I can see half of next year's firewood awaiting the chop on areas I had already earmarked for destruction. Don't worry carbon people, I'm keeping one tree, and have planted others.
I cut 18 pieces of wood into appropriate sizes for burning today. You may scoff but I bet I cut more than you. Eighteen looks a much more dignified reflection of my achievements than 18, but the anal English grammatist in me can't do it unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
hunter gathering
Despite the late hour, the dark and the rain, I took my favourite handyman outside to view my forest felling last night. He made appropriate noises and Fionn tried to swing on the jutting remains of the trees in the dark. I made tutting fussing mummy noises.
But amongst the appropriate noises was a comment on wood cutting easily while wet and becoming progressively harder to cut as it dries. So today I decided to ready ourselves for next winter by cutting wood to dry over summer. Usually how I do this is I ring one of the local wood merchants and arrange for them to deliver wood on a truck, pay them handsomely and then rather late in the piece I inform Mr Handyman. He needs to know because he is the chief wood stacker. But now I am looking at our section with entirely new eyes and I can see half of next year's firewood awaiting the chop on areas I had already earmarked for destruction. Don't worry carbon people, I'm keeping one tree, and have planted others.
I cut 18 pieces of wood into appropriate sizes for burning today. You may scoff but I bet I cut more than you. Eighteen looks a much more dignified reflection of my achievements than 18, but the anal English grammatist in me can't do it unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.
Do you think that is all I have done today? You people who were probably in your proper clothes before breakfast? Well actually I also weeded, replanted, killed slugs and got the ingredients out of the cupboard for my student nanny to make chocolate cake AND bread with my son. I did make one or two other gestures towards parenting, like feeding the baby.
The other thing I did, in my dressing gown, was to take lots of photos. Just for Sharon and Rachael. And I can't even find a USB connector to try and do the damn photo to computer thing. So we will all have to wait, even me.
My favourite handyperson arrived home early today. Oh the plans that ran through my mind when he appeared at only 4.10pm. But it is all backward and everyone is in bed except me at the clearly racy hour of 6.50pm. I'm pretty sure I need a USB connection but I've had a close inspection of handyperson's computer desk and found nothing which fits into the camera.
I've no idea what proper purposeful people do at this time of night once they've eaten - dishes, knitting, Bible study? But I have no intention of doing anything edifying while everyone else sleeps. Which is why I'm mucking around here, like a kid about to do a speech on fish who forgot to bring the fish.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Big cuts
This afternoon was sunny which for an obsessed gardener in nearly Spring time like me was just perfect. The nanny student got practise at looking after both children at once (I'm sure it's valuable for her) while I got the loppers out and headed for the neglected back corner. Neglecting to find the camera in my excitement. Now this corner has huge significance for me as last time I lopped anything in it, Brighid was only three weeks old and the resultant muscle strain (immediately post strong and extended antibiotics) triggered a virus with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms which at its worst left me unable to even carry my daughter.
I'm pleased to say today was much more successful and I've lopped and sawn through many branches, opened up the area to some sun and with a bit of husband help this weekend, this patch will soon be ready to be my bog garden.
I also measured out the area for the tobacco garden. My favourite handyperson isn't managing to kick the habit and growing his own will cost so much less. The growing bit looks quite easy but the curing less so.
I wonder if the Kings Seeds delivery will come tomorrow...